About Me


Hey Friends!

My name is Hali and I’m so happy to see you here on my blog, Always in Wonderland! A few things about me:

I started this blog because I am passionate about helping everyone have the best Disney days ever! In this blog you will find some of the best tips and trick, hacks, the best foods, and some extra magic!

This is a special space dedicated to all things Disney to help you stay out of the rabbit hole!

Regardless if you are a Disney adult, Disney newbie, or anywhere in between I am here to help in any way I can!

When I’m not writing my blog I love to hang out with my pup Ember and kitty cat Willa!

Again I am so happy to see that you dropped in for a spell! I encourage you to browse around and message me if you have any questions; I’d love to hear from you!

Stay in touch and remember to follow me!

Let the magic begin, Hali!

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/AlwaysinWonderland/

Website Main Page: https://alwaysinwonderland.com